- Speech comparison using neural networks
- IRIS Recognition Java / Matlab
- ICS (Inventory Control System)
- Home Automation System with Speech Recognition Java / Hardware
- Total Business Solution Java / SQL
- Membership Management using Java Card Java / Java Card reader
- Online Ticket Reservation System JSP / SQL
- Voice/ Speech based Browser Java
- Smart Encryption (Image/ audio / video) Java
- Java Editor Java
- Visual Lab - electronic circuit designing simulation. Java
- CASE tools- Computer Aided Software Engineering Java
- Mobile- Commerce / CRM JSP / Servlet / SQL
- Mobile- Online Examination Sysetm jsp / Servlet / J2ME
- Simulator 8085 Java
- Text based Image search in Database Java / Matlab
- Multi Player Tetris game wih AI Java / AI
- Bomber Man with AI Java / AI
- X & 0 game Java / AI
- Minesweeper game for Mobile with AI J2me / Java
- Remote Desktop Java
- Download Manager (ftp) Java
- Network Health/Node monitoring [Six SigmaImplementation]Java / SQL
- Distributed mobility management for target tracking in mobile sensor networks Java / J2ee
- Mobile Banking J2me / Servlet
- Multicast Server Chat Java
- Mobile Screen Info Generator JSP / Servlet
- Dairy Management System Java
- Terminal Controller Java
- Tour & Travel Mgmt application Java
- Java Media Player Java
- Digital Image Watermarking Java
- TTS (text to speech ) Application Java
- Speech Enabled Database Operations Java / SQL
- Distributed Banking System Java / SQL
- Portfolio Management Java / JSP / SQL
- Network Monitoring Java
- Mobile Info Centre J2me / JSP
- Online Equity Management J2me / JSP
- Multi player Chess Java/ J2me
- Dynamic load balancing in distributed systems Java
- Multicast routing with delay for apps. on overlay networks Java
- Packet reordering in transmission control protocol Java
- Distributed database architecture Java
- Efficient query processing in peer-to peer networks Java
- A grid-powered framework for distributed programming Java
- Face recognition using laplacian faces Java
- Noise reduction by image filtering Java
- handwritten script recognition Java
- Messaging service over TCP/ IP in local area network Java
- Retrieving files using content based search Java
- Resource management system (RMS) Java / SQL
- E-auction bidding and winning JSP / SQL
- Online examination system JSP / Servlet / SQL
- Global job portal management JSP / Servlet / SQL
- On-line mobile voting J2me / Servlet / SQL
- Xml enabled cross data migration Java
- Mobile to PC communication J2ME
- Mobile Messenger for Ad-Hoc Networks J2ME
- Character Recognition System Java
- Intrusion Detection System / Firewall Java
- Desktop Payroll Application Java / SQL
- Windows Desktop Search Java
- Securing TCP/IP communication using cryptography Java
- Implementation of Digital image processing techniques Java
- A Secure Cloud Server System using Proxy Re-Encryption Model.
- A Secure payment System for banking transactions.
- An efficient Mailing System for Detecting Spam Mails.
- An enhanced model for achieving high throughput using variant buffer size methodology.
- Anomaly based intrusion detection system.
- Automatic Testing System for Web Application.
- Automatic Vehicle Detection in Surveillance Video.
- Bandwidth estimation systems in networks.
- Blocking intruders for secured network maintenance.
- Boolean Retrieval for Medical datas.
- Caching techniques in MANET and various routing protocols in MANET.
- Capacity of Data Collection in Arbitrary Wireless sensor networks.
- CFR: an efficient congestion free router.
- Channel allocation system in mobile networks.
- Cloud Data Protection for the Masses.
- Coding for cryptographic security enhancement using stopping sets.
- Content based image retrieval system.
- Continuous query processing system for location based services.
- Cooperative Secure Multi-Cloud Verification System.
- Credit card fraud detection system using genetic algorithm.
- Crime Detection in Credit Card Fraud.
- Criminal Face Detection.
- Cut detection in Wireless Sensor Network.
- Data embedding using Pixel-pair matching technique.
- Data Transmission Using Multi-Tasking-Sockets.
- Decision trees for uncertain data.
- Detecting Complaints in Online Product Purchase.
- Digital image processing filters for image filtering methods.
- Distributed data integration on electricity board.
- Dynamic Resource allocation in Cloud.
- Efficient and Dynamic Routing Topology Inference.
- Efficient and secure search on encrypted medical data.
- Efficient load balancing system in SIP Servers.
- Efficient load distribution scheme to avoid congestion in servers.
- Efficient search on XML data.
- Efficient searching technique in xml data.
- Efficient steganography embedding methodology for secret data preservation.
- E-Fraud Prevention based on the Self-Authentication of e-Documents.
- FEC based cryptography for secured data communication.
- Finding File Duplication.
- Finding latency in data transmission.
- Geometric Routing Protocol in MANET.
- Get your Campus.
- Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition.
- High efficient location monitoring system.
- Homophonic cryptography technique for data security.
- Hop-by-Hop routing in Wireless Network.
- Impact of denial of service attacks on servers.
- Information leak detection and prevention system.
- Intrusion detection system in wireless sensor networks.
- IPTV Portal System.
- License Plate Recognition System.
- Mobile alert based intruder blocking system in cloud computing.
- Mobility management schemes in wireless networks using agent forwarding methods.
- Monitoring cloud resources for better resource utilization.
- Multi-Cloud System to avoid server failures.
- Optimized Software Release Planner.
- Packet monitoring based multicasting system.
- Personalized Image Search System.
- Portable Cloud System.
- Preventing attackers in WSN from collecting datas.
- Preventing Intrusion in Web and Database Servers.
- Project Management System.
- Protecting location information in Wireless Sensor Network.
- PUBMED: an efficient biomedical based hierarchical search engine.
- Puzzle based secure data transmission scheme to avoid intruders.
- Ranking and feedback model in search engines.
- Ranking system for web library.
- Recovery from link failure in wireless networks.
- Reducing noises in images.
- Reducing the costly forward using band-based directional broadcast.
- Reducing the number of transmission in Wireless Networks.
- Routing in Wireless Adhoc Network.
- Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records.
- Secure Access Control System in Cloud using Attribute based encryption technique.
- Secure and efficient video distribution scheme using variant bandwidth system.
- Secure and practical outsourcing of linear programming in cloud computing.
- Secure cloud access system using JAR.
- Secure communication by hiding packets in intermediate router system.
- Secure Content Distribution using Network Coding Algorithm.
- Secure Overlay Cloud Storage with Access Control.
- Secure personal information system in Medical System.
- Secured data communication system in wireless mesh networks.
- Security Enhanced Facebook.
- Security key based Video Uploading and viewing System.
- Self diagnosing with identifying disease treatment with online doctor precautionary.
- Selfish overlay network creation and maintenance.
- Single-source shortest path algorithm with nonnegative edge path.
- Student Management System.
- Supporting data transfer and movements of mobile terminal between different locations.
- Ticket based secured mobile banking scheme for detecting frauds.
- Ticket based security system for banking applications.
- Trace back scheme on finding attackers in Routing.
- Traffic flow analysis system based on a novel concept of flow set.
- Trust aware routing in MANET.
- Vertical Search Engine.
- Video steganography for secure data preservation.
- Virus Spread in Network.
- Virus spread in P2P network.
- Visual cryptography system for secret image sharing
Monday, 19 October 2015
Java Projects Titles
# Java projects
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Java projects
Java projects
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